Clues by F. R. Palmer in 1975-1976
Azed competitions from 156 to 203    All clues by F. R. Palmer  |   1975-1976 Honours list
VHCsHCs Honours
F. R. Palmer021621
No.Clue wordAwardClueExplanation
161ANCONSecondOne’s can, crooked, inebriateanag. + on, & lit.
165Lance, pompano, bonito, porbeagle, thornback, menhaden, albacore, huso (Anagram)VHCHooha (Market debate looming up – Barbara, Benn, H. Scanlon, Co. con people) 
169THUGGEESecondIt’s renewed by the mugger (bar the extremes)anag. incl. (m)ugge(r), & lit.
174EPEOLATRYVHCIt’s an adjunct to the make-up of any real poeti.e. anag. less an, & lit.; ’s = has; adjunct adj.
178A(U)G(U)ST (Letters Latent)VHCNow’s the time to take a holiday, instead of not getting one inagainst less a in
187POWDERING-TUBVHCJar, say, we’d pot grub inanag. & lit; jar vb.
195SHILLY-SHALLYThirdWhat’s doubly involved hospitals in senseless issue?H H in silly sally, & lit.; ref. junior doctors’ and consultants’ dispute
197CAMERA (Printer’s Devilry)VHCNo longer sterling, the South African coinage be/nds 
203BOGYVHCWhat frightens a child, ends in harming psychologicallybo + g y, & lit.

HCs awarded in competitions:

200 The Extra Guest (minus CC) (Letters Latent)