Ximenes Competition No. 34  Ximenes Slip  |  ◀  33  |  35  ▶  |  Other competitions
No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
34 Sep 1946STAROSTA normal17


AwardClue writerClueExplanation
FirstL. JohnsonLead for Russian Hamlet? Get him from the Tass rotaanag.; T. news agency
SecondC. HelmeThe popular favourite, having sown his wild oats, now plays the lead in Hamletstar + anag.
ThirdW. O. RobertsonThis nobleman sowed his wild oats under a degenerate Tsaranag. + anag.
HCD. L. Carmichael“Star, O Manx Star.” (Hamlet. Chap. 1—Russian version)star O sta(r): chap 1 = headman; Manx = tailless
HCMiss ComynThe rats have got into the oast? Well, use your head, man, get a pole and clear them outanag. of rats, oast; i.e. headman, Pole
HCP. M. CoombsThe landlord, who normally didn’t lack polish, came back and said “There ’ain’t no alternative to tiles”’ats or ’ats (all rev.); i.e. Polish
HCC. B. DaishRats to sex appeal. Give me the red-headanag. of rats to SA; i.e. head Russian
HCF. E. DixonThe Pole holds a life-interest only, so a start could be made by liquidating himanag.
HCJ. M. DoultonThe Tass rota will show this man at the headanag.; T. news agency
HCC. C. M. GiffinThis “village Hampden” may be found in the Tass rotaanag.; ref. Gray’s Elegy “Some village-Hampden, that with dauntless breast…”, after John H., Parliamentarian; T. news agency
HCF. P. HusseyCan you guess who is head man in the Tass rota?anag.; T. news agency
HCMrs L. JarmanHamlet’s leading rôle is assigned to him in Russia, and he wants to star as Goofyanag.
HCMiss W. LawsonI’ve scratched a Russian and found a Tatar! S.O.S.!anag.
HCT. W. Melluish“Women in uniform? O nonsense!” returned the Red leaderATS O rats! (all rev.)
HCA. P. O’LearyThe leading lad of the village backward in the company of lasses—O nonsense!ATS O rats! (all rev.)
HCP. H. TaylorMuddle headed Tsar, so backward at retiring, finds himself demotedanag. + so, at (each rev.)
HCF. L. UsherPolish noble, though discretely camouflaged, is detected in starting for Aostastar(ting for A)osta; N.B. spelling—discretely

No Runners-Up in competition 34