Ximenes Competition No. 52  Ximenes Slip  |  ◀  51  |  53  ▶  |  Other competitions
No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
52 Jun 1947RATION normal20


AwardClue writerClueExplanation
FirstA. E. SmithTranio, disguised, offers a thin and slender pittanceanag.; ref. The Taming of the Shrew IV.4.61
SecondMiss D. W. TaylorTranio’s “thin and slender pittance” possibly?anag.; ref. The Taming of the Shrew IV.4.61
ThirdL. E. EyresTo exceed this allowance by a bare fraction is a sinaberration is anag. of bare ration
HCM. AndersonIt’s on the cards that it may turn to rainanag.; ref. ration cards
HCInst Capt J. CampWe are now having an unusually large —— of sunshine; it might easily turn to rainanag.
HCT. H. CubittWas the Food Minister’s speech guillotined?oration with head removed; F. M. responsible for rationing
HCC. B. DaishNot air? It’s confoundedly like it, nowadaysanag.; ref. cuts in rations due to harsh winter of 1946/1947
HCMrs D’EathIt’s about to rain: a lot maybe, but it never seems quite enough!anag.
HCT. C. FitzpatrickFood supply in a parlous state—and Ontario’s added nothing to it!Ontario is anag. of ration 0; ref. food shortages due to harsh winter of 1946/1947 and Canadian aid
HCG. KerrExpect nothing more than this meagre portion for the spitexpectoration less expect o
HCR. H. LemonShows how guns may change into butter, amongst other thingsRA + anag. of into; ref. Nazi slogan: “Guns make us strong, butter makes us fat”; butter was rationed
HCR. C. MacfarlaneThe Ministry’s name for the fair bit which is calculated to turn to rainanag.; Min. of Food
HCT. W. MelluishA bit drawn out, but a speech is nothing without itcryptic def.; oration less 0
HCRev E. B. PeelWorship without fuss has its pointsadoration less ado; ref. points system of rationing
HCE. G. PhillipsA daily allowance, served out at ten in the Navy?at 10 in RN
HCE. J. RackhamHardly enough sometimes: but you add nothing to it by making a speech0 plus ration gives oration
HCW. O. RobertsonAn ’opeless method of working an allotmentoperation less ope
HCJ. F. SmithMr. Strachey can add nothing to it. but he’ll make a speech!0 plus ration gives oration; ref. John Strachey, Min. of Food 1946-1950
HCMiss R. Speight“Much ado” this for Strachey? It ’ud take a bold ’un to say so!ado plus ration gives adoration; ‘rash ’un’; ref. John Strachey, Minister of Food 1946-1950
HCA. M. W. WoodThe rump-fed sailor’s wife could get away from thisanag. of aroint: ref. Macbeth I.3.7, “‘Aroint thee, witch!’ the rump-fed ronyon cries"

Runners-Up in competition 52:

H. W. BurdettW. E. GreenRev F. T. Summers 
N. BuxtonMaj MichaelA. H. Taylor 
E. G. DurhamD. G. C. MockridgeE. D. Tuthill