Ximenes Competition No. 73  Ximenes Slip  |  ◀  72  |  74  ▶  |  Other competitions
No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
73 Mar 1948RHODESIA normal11


AwardClue writerClueExplanation
FirstE. A. G. JunksComment on the Cambridge crew heard outside the Union?‘rowed easier’; R. outside Union of S. Africa
SecondD. L. TuckettWhere plain English, in official jargon, is of capital importancecryptic def.; Salisbury, capital of R., and S. Plain
ThirdL. P. CookLand of the comparatively easy going?i.e. ‘road easier’
HCW. DarbyCecilia? No! Does hair differently!i.e. Rhodes-ia, anag.; Cecil R.
HCA. V. GillYou may find travelling less difficult in this South African region—so I heard, usually‘road easier’, anag.
HCJ. P. LloydPhilip’s wife does a turn in the Empire. Her daughter had plenty of S.A., tooanag. of Herodias; ref. Luke 3:19; British Empire; S.A. = South Africa, sex appeal
HCJ. R. McLarenMacadam’s contribution to colonial development?‘road easier’; ref. tarmacadam
HCT. W. MelluishPower monkeys around with a British territoryod in rhesi + a
HCMrs E. RowlandsAfter you, Wilfred? No! After you, CecilW. Rhodes, cricketer and C. Rhodes; catchphrase from radio comedy ‘ITMA’
HCT. E. SandersAn old style high explosive raid wrecked the Empire State buildinganag. incl. OS HE; state of S. Rhodesia created under British Empire in 1923
HCL. C. WrightDo I share in the settlement? After you, Cecilanag.; catchphrase from radio comedy ‘ITMA’

Runners-Up in competition 73:

D. AshcroftDr J. N. FellA. P. O’LearyW. K. M. Slimmings
Rev L. BlackburnL. B. HutchingsRev E. B. PeelMrs A. L. Stevenson
D. L. ClementsC. KoopD. W. Reed