Ximenes Competition No. 78  Ximenes Slip  |  ◀  77  |  79  ▶  |  Other competitions
No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
78 Jun 1948CAKE-WALK normal17


AwardClue writerClueExplanation
FirstA. R. FraserBound to get the prize, as long as someone provides the doughcryptic def.
SecondH. C. Hillsclue missing
ThirdH. S. Tribeclue missing
HCM. L. Bookerclue missing
HCF. L. Constableclue missing
HCBrig W. E. Duncanclue missing
HCMrs D. Fullerclue missing
HCS. R. Gibbsclue missing
HCA. Hodgkinsonclue missing
HCS. Holgateclue missing
HCA. L. Kilnerclue missing
HCSir P. Lairdclue missing
HCR. H. Lemonclue missing
HCS. McInroyclue missing
HCG. M. Neighbourclue missing
HCC. L. Pausclue missing
HCR. C. Paynclue missing

No Runners-Up in competition 78