Ximenes Competition No. 99  Ximenes Slip  |  ◀  98  |  100  ▶  |  Other competitions
No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
99 Mar 1949SCARABEE normal19


AwardClue writerClueExplanation
FirstE. B. StevensHow Caesar came to be twisted round Cleopatra’s little finger?anag. of Caesar be; scarab charm; Antony and C.
SecondRev E. B. PeelCaesar be blowed! Cleopatra found me charminganag.; scarab charm; Antony and C.
ThirdA. H. TaylorHad Cleopatra some unusual charm, for Caesar to be led astray?anag. of Caesar be; scarab charm; Antony and C.
HCE. S. AinleyA flier, in form, a real gem! (Remark about a 100 to one National horse)c Arab in See!; scarab jewel
HCC. Allen BakerAmulet: see the seventh line of the Abracadabra triangle worked into it!anag. of see ABRAC; inverted triangle with word reduced by one letter each row
HCW. DarbyMight adorn Cleopatra, or be involved with Caesaranag.; scarab jewel; Antony and C.
HCCdr H. H. L. DicksonSouth, with ace bare, upset East’s completion of the contractanag. incl. S; scarab used as seal
HCJ. DuffillHas six legs and should fly in popular Lincoln racesanag. incl. Abe
HCBrig W. E. DuncanSacrifice the charm of Cleopatra to be Caesar?anag.; scarab charm; Antony and C.
HCE. G. DurhamArab advance in centre, with two flying and two armoured wings! No wonder Abe is in a panic!i.e. …arab…, Abe in scare; beetle wings
HCMrs J. O. FullerSpades turn up and ruff bare aces! East’s good luck is quite creepyanag.; archaeology; scarab charm
HCS. R. GibbsCar’s gone wrong! Something in the bonnet? Just an insectanag. + a bee
HCI. C. GilchristCicatrice an insect! Aren’t you thinking of cockatrice? No, it’s cockchafer!scar a bee
HCD. HawsonAces bare after shuffling—a gem of a hand!anag.; scarab jewel
HCC. KoopWhen is a dor not a dor? When it’s a charm!cryptic def.; dor = mockery and dung-beetle
HCA. F. LerrigoIt could be Cleopatra’s charm that made Caesar be so confusedanag.; Antony and C.
HCT. A. MartinBare aces can make a gem of a hand, although not usually in diamondsanag.; scarab jewel
HCP. M. NeweyA car’s troubled with something in the bonnet; look at the wings in caseanag. + a bee; beetle’s wing-case
HCT. WilsonCuriously shaped stone; found by a sailor lost among débris at foot of cliffa and AB among scree

Runners-Up in competition 99:

D. AmblerS. GoldieI. PatersonH. S. Tribe
Mrs CaithnessP. GrossR. C. PaynF. L. Usher
F. A. ClarkMrs B. P. HallE. J. RackhamRev W. Waddell
F. S. DanksMiss M. JenkinsD. G. RandallJ. A. Watson
J. C. B. DateG. G. LawranceA. J. C. SaundersJ. F. N. Wedge
J. M. DoultonE. L. MellershJ. C. SaundersJ. S. Young
Mrs N. FisherT. W. MelluishO. Carlton Smith 
Mrs D. FullerC. J. MorseMrs A. L. Stevenson