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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
1845 Oct 2007UPBRAID normal 23


Competition 1845’s average clue lengths over 23 clues:

40 letters per clue (5 below the archive average, and 4 below the average for 7-letter words)

8.2 words per clue (1.4 below the archive average, and 1 below the average for 7-letter words)


Longest clue (the 1,028th longest normal clue in the archive)

Dress revealing underwear I’d exposed after getting in a state of excitement!

64 letters, 12 words, by B. Jones


Shortest clue (the 466th shortest normal clue in the archive)

Twit in wacky pair with Bud?

22 letters, 6 words, by R. C. Teuton


Competition 1845 has contributed 13 unique words to the clue archive:

R. C. TeutonBud
Dr M. C. WhelanChide
R. B. HarlingD-cup
M. Barleydeclared
Dr I. S. Fletcherdreads
G. H. Willettespouse
C. W. Thomaseuphoric
Rev Canon C. M. BrounHair’s
R. J. Healdhubby
R. Murdochreproof
C. W. ThomasSupporter’s
D. F. Manleyumpire
R. C. Teutonwacky