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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
2205 Sep 2014CUMBERSOME normal 20


Competition 2205’s average clue lengths over 20 clues:

50 letters per clue (5 above the archive average, and 3 above the average for 10-letter words)

9.4 words per clue (0.2 below the archive average, and 0.3 below the average for 10-letter words)


Longest clue (the 699th longest normal clue in the archive)

Summer becoming uncertain – Scottish politician for secession hard to deal with

67 letters, 11 words, by D. F. Manley


Shortest clue (the 1,119th shortest normal clue in the archive)

Ham actor dashing off set has a few

28 letters, 8 words, by Mrs A. M. Walden


Competition 2205 has contributed 11 unique words to the clue archive:

T. C. BorlandBurmese
R. Heskethclimax
R. HeskethClunky
G. H. Willettelephantine
T. C. Borlandharassed
M. Barleyinventively
J. R. HowlettPonderous
D. F. Manleysecession
T. J. Mooreyslumbered
S. Randallstifled
C. J. Morseunspecified