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225 Jul 1976VALETA normal 25


Competition 225’s average clue lengths over 25 clues:

48 letters per clue (3 above the archive average, and 5 above the average for 6-letter words)

10.1 words per clue (0.5 above the archive average, and 1.2 above the average for 6-letter words)


Longest clue (the 128th longest normal clue in the archive)

See a radical Party-man scattering tea – could this accompany revolutionary activity in Boston?

79 letters, 13 words, by R. J. Hooper


Shortest clue (the 1,428th shortest normal clue in the archive)

Feature of older hops: brew in vat off

30 letters, 8 words, by Dr E. J. Miller


Competition 225 has contributed 20 unique words to the clue archive:

C. E. Williamsactivates
R. J. Palmeramuse
E. A. FreeAshe’s
W. K. M. SlimmingsAviv
C. H. HudsonBorotra’s
R. S. Caffyncontemplated
E. A. Freefootwork
C. Allen Bakergill
R. S. Caffynheat-wave
E. A. Freehindered
S. L. Patonhooking
Rev C. M. Brounlavish
W. K. M. SlimmingsMecca
R. J. HooperParty-man
Rev C. M. BrounSenate
C. J. Morsetwo-hundredth
R. Jacksumpire’s
C. G. MillinVane
R. S. Caffynwhew
R. S. Caffynwilts