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2425 Dec 2018EPILIMNION normal 22


Competition 2425’s average clue lengths over 22 clues:

51 letters per clue (6 above the archive average, and 4 above the average for 10-letter words)

11.2 words per clue (1.6 above the archive average, and 1.5 above the average for 10-letter words)


Longest clue (the 466th longest normal clue in the archive)

Where ultimately less cold temperature implicit, no end of phytoplankton floating?

70 letters, 11 words, by Dr I. S. Fletcher


Shortest clue (the 1,119th shortest normal clue in the archive)

Superior band, say, in EMI No. 1 LP hit

28 letters, 9 words, by G. Johnstone


Competition 2425 has contributed 19 unique words to the clue archive:

J. R. Tozeraffectations
Dr J. Burscoughboasted
J. R. TozerCampion
H. Freemandisplace
Dr J. BurscoughELP
D. F. Manleygale’s
D. F. ManleyGalilee’s
Dr I. S. Fletcherimplicit
R. Gilbertiridescence
T. C. Borlandlino
H. Freemanpedalo
Dr I. S. Fletcherphytoplankton
A. J. Wardroppimiento
D. F. ManleySimon
D. F. ManleySOS
Dr J. Burscoughsuperiorly
P. L. StoneVictoria’s
P. McKennawarmer
Ms S. Wallacewarmth