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2573 Oct 2021HANDS-ON normal 22


Competition 2573’s average clue lengths over 22 clues:

48 letters per clue (3 above the archive average, and 4 above the average for 7-letter words)

9.4 words per clue (0.2 below the archive average, and 0.2 above the average for 7-letter words)


Longest clue (the 249th longest normal clue in the archive)

Playing up-front parts in activities, holding no sinecure or non-executive directorship?

74 letters, 11 words, by J. C. Leyland


Shortest clue (the 859th shortest normal clue in the archive)

Have old version of Don’s Manual

26 letters, 6 words, by J. Pearce


Competition 2573 has contributed 16 unique words to the clue archive:

R. J. WhaleAlpino’s
R. J. Whaleascent
E. Dawidbun’s
J. C. Leylanddirectorship
K. Milandown-to-earth
R. J. Fletchergood-looking
R. J. HealdHonda
G. H. Willettmasseuses
A. J. Wardropmidwife
M. Barleynecessarily
J. C. Leylandnon-executive
R. J. HealdNSX
K. Milannuts-and-bolts
M. Barleyosteopath
L. Wardsession
J. C. Leylandsinecure