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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
352 Xmas 1978FAIRY LIGHTS normal 31


Competition 352’s average clue lengths over 31 clues:

42 letters per clue (3 below the archive average, and 4 below the average for 11-letter words)

9.5 words per clue (0.1 below the archive average, and 0.2 below the average for 11-letter words)


Longest clues (the 1,160th longest normal clues in the archive)

Illumination appropriate to this puzzle is just before start of your clues

63 letters, 12 words, by D. M. Colley


Fanciful clues – they sparkled this Christmas in square with central column

63 letters, 11 words, by Mrs B. Simmonds


Shortest clue (the 466th shortest normal clue in the archive)

What may make a fir sightly?

22 letters, 6 words, by P. J. Woods


Competition 352 has contributed 17 unique words to the clue archive:

Dr D. R. Laneybulbs
M. D. Lawsdisputes
J. R. TozerFir’s
J. D. Fostergarishly
A. Lawrieglint
J. Colebyglittery
Mrs N. Jarmanglowers
A. Lawrieholly
E. A. Freelungs
J. E. GreenMediums
F. M. Holroydmesa
A. LawrieNowell
S. P. Flittonshiners
Mrs B. Simmondssparkled
M. D. Lawsstrung
F. M. Holroydtransfigured
Dr D. R. Laneyventilated