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426 Jun 1980MISL(E)ADING Letters Latent 33


Competition 426’s average clue lengths over 33 clues:

41 letters per clue (4 below the archive average, and 4 below the average for Letters Latent competitions)

8.2 words per clue (1.4 below the archive average, and 1.1 below the average for Letters Latent competitions)


Longest clue (the 9th longest Letters Latent clue in the archive)

Intelligence service gets faulty signal about the start of Doomsday, causing false alert?

75 letters, 13 words, by D. W. Arthur


Shortest clue (the 2nd shortest Letters Latent clue in the archive)

Dim signal could be ——

16 letters, 4 words, by Mrs E. M. Phair


Competition 426 has contributed 14 unique words to the clue archive:

R. S. Caffynagile
G. B. Higginsdials
F. D. Gardinerdiscredits
D. W. ArthurDoomsday
E. A. Beaulahfrenzied
R. E. KimmonsGlamis
Miss H. Kimbleknave
Mrs E. J. Shieldslig
A. D. Scottmadam’s
E. A. BeaulahMidas
J. R. Kirbymild’s
L. Maymisunderstanding
Mrs S. Hewitttrusted
Dr R. L. WynneWill-o’-the-wisp