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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
857 Oct 1988REDCAP / NICETY Right and Left 22


Competition 857’s average clue lengths over 22 clues:

84 letters per clue (39 above the archive average, and 11 above the average for Right and Left competitions)

16.4 words per clue (6.8 above the archive average, and 1.7 above the average for Right and Left competitions)


Longest clue (the 22nd longest Right and Left clue in the archive)

Display of precision in C (new edition thereof) – etymology (summary about origin of derivation), and help with handling, e.g., valise (U.S.)

106 letters, 23 words, by P. F. Henderson


Shortest clue (the 37th shortest Right and Left clue in the archive)

Affected sincerity? No sir, delicacy. Here’s a copper to salute

50 letters, 10 words, by D. Price Jones


Competition 857 has contributed 14 unique words to the clue archive:

J. F. N. WedgeBlushing
R. Deancongratulation
P. F. Hendersonetymology
Dr I. Torbefineness
C. J. Morsehalf-ironic
M. A. Macdonald-Cooperhandler
D. V. Harryignominy
R. R. Greenfieldjaunty
L. J. Davenportnitroglycerine
Dr I. TorbeNon-conforming
Dr I. Torbeobjections
T. W. Mortimerthistle
P. F. Hendersonvalise
V. G. HendersonWoozy