WordStats for C. J. Morse
Other competitors | C. J. Morse’s clues | ordStats homepage | See also: C. J. & R. S. Morse
Other competitors | C. J. Morse’s clues | ordStats homepage | See also: C. J. & R. S. Morse
Name | No of clues | First Prizes | Other Prizes | VHCs | HCs |
C. J. Morse | 330 | 21 | 32 | 277 | 166 |
C. J. Morse’s average clue lengths over 330 clues:
48 letters per clue (3 above the archive average of 45)
10.1 words per clue (0.5 above the archive average of 9.6)
Longest clue
I mustn’t run down pop music again, having heard a pretentious fellow claim that some obscure opus for barrel organ was of more interest than Presley.
122 letters, 26 words, in competition 1810 HARE / POSEUR / SERINETTE (DLM)
Shortest clue
11 letters, 1 words, in competition 43 A neologism (Neologisms)
C. J. Morse has contributed 252 unique words to the clue archive:
831 | AB |
1836 | abhor |
174 | adapt |
2209 | amber |
1489 | applies |
1268 | AR |
1034 | Archetypal |
1753 | aslant |
943 | aspiring |
900 | aureoles |
2168 | backsides |
216 | bareness |
943 | Beduin |
1424 | believes |
1823 | billet-doux |
1250 | blurred |
1143 | body-builder |
97 | bombardment |
2062 | boor |
869 | bosoms |
1039 | bribery |
534 | bumpy |
414 | Bunnies |
2168 | Busby |
2170 | Butterfly’s |
1286 | Cabin |
1234 | Cantona’s |
1250 | chancy |
823 | Chastising |
1927 | Clare |
482 | collaring |
139 | compact |
1524 | complained |
1021 | concede |
1000 | contributed |
1485 | convenient |
110 | convict |
1554 | coral |
874 | coterie’s |
388 | counter-measures |
1316 | couturiers |
1572 | cross-dressed |
419 | crusher |
688 | cucumber |
1048 | dance-floor |
982 | dancing-girl |
1962 | daydreams |
840 | Dedalus’s |
2116 | Dietal |
1702 | dime’s |
1450 | discourage |
757 | disguises |
1788 | distillates |
801 | Dividing |
1871 | Dorado |
152 | dreaded |
2170 | echo-sounding |
247 | Eliz |
200 | Enticer’s |
1385 | examines |
1026 | exhaust-pipe |
1715 | Exodus |
1043 | expose’s |
1849 | extension |
1026 | Fiesta’s |
247 | Floruit |
952 | force’s |
2174 | Four-letter |
1927 | Francis’s |
1017 | fruit-stall |
314 | Geese |
1181 | glided |
1960 | gluttonous |
110 | Gorbals |
2168 | grieve |
857 | half-ironic |
961 | half-sunk |
486 | halfway |
439 | hams |
1277 | happen |
439 | hardened |
696 | Haydn’s |
1836 | heatspots |
517 | Helichrysum |
1494 | hell’s |
1788 | Herbal |
1095 | high-level |
1927 | hipped |
1719 | Hippocrates |
439 | hocks |
1232 | hounded |
1076 | house-party |
1284 | housed |
1779 | housewife |
1960 | hurting |
840 | Icarus |
1515 | Ill-natured |
1698 | Ill-tempered |
922 | imprisoned |
610 | inconsistent |
2174 | Ingrid’s |
1515 | insinuating |
943 | intelligible |
2083 | internet’s |
146 | interrupts |
831 | inverted |
827 | Irishman’s |
2257 | jalopy |
1439 | Jamaican’s |
1322 | jute |
1095 | Karadzic’s |
1194 | Kennedy’s |
2118 | kindness |
1663 | kits |
1741 | landmarks |
1130 | laps |
1281 | laundering |
1264 | League’s |
1596 | legend |
1949 | like’s |
2045 | lynx |
1962 | Maenad |
1580 | makers |
1043 | Marie’s |
1338 | master-class |
2131 | maternal |
2118 | matey |
75 | merchandise |
827 | Mike-grabbing |
152 | mismatched |
556 | Misprints |
452 | Mitredness |
243 | Monopoly |
203 | multiplied |
1810 | mustn’t |
1685 | neat-house |
2100 | needle-and-thread |
1212 | Nithing’s |
1238 | non-worker |
1650 | nourishing |
358 | nouveau-riche |
891 | obfuscation |
234 | occulted |
1667 | one-nil |
92 | oppression |
1342 | otherworldly |
1216 | outing |
486 | over-promoted |
2157 | Overstrained |
1334 | parlance |
878 | paw |
2062 | pen-pal |
2235 | perk |
18 | peters |
2168 | physic |
1095 | ping |
1611 | pipistrelle |
1650 | plasma |
1190 | Plautine |
1095 | pong |
384 | pound’s |
1810 | Presley |
2165 | prohibited |
534 | promises |
1893 | pruned |
1250 | radio-scan |
1533 | Rams |
956 | rape’s |
1008 | recreated |
2209 | reddens |
1463 | rejigged |
1130 | remainder |
1450 | resurrected |
1936 | revelatory |
1104 | revolts |
2131 | richly |
1004 | riddling |
1945 | rips |
1489 | Robespierre’s |
920 | Romania |
1676 | royal’s |
2244 | Saatchi’s |
229 | satisfied |
840 | saved |
53 | sax |
212 | schoolmaster |
1387 | scion |
212 | selecting |
2220 | selfhood |
2157 | semi-declamatory |
473 | semi-modern |
1161 | semi-transparent |
36 | sex-appeal’s |
1084 | shop-assisant |
1363 | side-branches |
2178 | siphon |
110 | slashing |
1862 | Sloane |
1476 | soldiering |
796 | southerly |
1017 | spattered |
1888 | speedboat |
874 | sportive |
1715 | sprang |
740 | Squadron |
1415 | steam-engine |
473 | stonework |
187 | sufferer |
2040 | suggestive |
947 | super-solid |
1008 | Swanson’s |
922 | swindle |
1663 | switches |
2040 | sworn |
2012 | tabling |
1091 | tapioca |
696 | Tema |
1476 | termite |
203 | terrifying |
2113 | Thieving |
375 | Thorpe |
1181 | tobogganed |
1255 | Tomahawk |
1489 | top-heavy |
123 | Tory’s |
1178 | traffickers |
744 | transposing |
594 | travesty |
831 | triggers |
1667 | trumpeting |
900 | Tusitala |
225 | two-hundredth |
2116 | uey |
169 | Ulster’s |
866 | Un-acetose |
1220 | unbelievably |
1546 | unpunished |
1979 | Unsociable |
2205 | unspecified |
97 | Utrecht |
1685 | vents |
1303 | viciously |
419 | victories |
1363 | vinery |
486 | Walker |
1762 | wanders |
840 | weighs |
36 | Whitehouse |
92 | Women’s-Libber |
84 | wronged |
1017 | wryly |