Ximenes Competition No. 425  Ximenes Slip  |  ◀  421  |  430  ▶  |  Other competitions
No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
425 Mar 1957TRAVERSE normal17


AwardClue writerClueExplanation
FirstR. N. ChignellHow gunners get a line on either end of the targett RA verse, & lit.
SecondR. PostillSidestep—that’s how the fly-half can take in the chap who rushes wildly!raver in tse(tse)
ThirdD. A. NichollsWhat do television scanners do? Disturb rest with an intrusion of utter drivel!rave (vb.) in anag.; surveying
HCJ. W. BatesSuch a cross is rare—vet’s puzzledanag.
HCC. O. ButcherMade by half the voyagers—accompanied by the other half of coursetrave(llers) (cou)rse, & lit.
HCW. J. DuffinIn TV language, an artist answers to “What’s your line” by “A straight one among zigzags”RA in TV Erse; ref. TV panel game ‘What’s My Line’
HCP. J. DyerThis gallery means to make trouble for the star, ever at the mercy of changing whimsanag., 2 defs.
HCJ. A. FinckenGallery calls for the author you’d expect to see at the end of a farceTravers + e; ref. Ben T., writer, farceur
HCS. GoldieIt’s half-crazy to have uneven skirts short—shows one leg of courserav(ing) in terse
HCMrs L. JarmanWhat a rate the revs must build up to go through the barrier!anag. of rate revs, 2 defs.
HCJ. A. MoncrieffWill forward skill do against the Irish?—just the opposite! Try a passing movementart (rev.) + Erse; ref. 5 Nations Rugby 1957
HCP. H. MorganI’m cross! I could almost burst into tears over getting stumped for a duckanag. less 0
HCMrs H. MorrisonCrossing gives you, in short, a backward, stunted varietyvar. (rev.) in terse
HCC. J. MorseJust one curtain—the gallery’s cross!3 defs.; ref. theatre
HCE. J. RackhamIngenuity seems to be misapplied against Irish partitionart (rev.) v. Erse
HCA. RobinsOblique, endless tram-lines are moving over the screen—it does make one cross!tra(m) verse, 4 defs.; TV lines
HCJ. F. N. WedgeWithin Tommy Steele’s limits, fans expect to see a “Rock” passage that may reach the heights!ravers in T(ommy Steel)e; ref. singer

Runners-Up in competition 425:

C. Allen BakerMaj A. H. GilesW. L. MironE. B. Stevens
P. C. BarclayS. B. GreenJ. J. MooreL. T. Stokes
T. E. BellJ. J. HollowayF. E. NewloveMiss D. W. Taylor
Mrs G. BonsallE. M. HornbyA. E. NorthD. G. Thomas
C. M. BrounJ. G. HullA. P. O’LearyB. J. Wain
R. F. S. ChignellV. JenningsL. S. PearceA. D. Walker
D. L. L. ClarkeC. KoopE. G. PhillipsA. J. Young
E. DaviesCapt G. LanghamC. QuinJ. S. Young
J. H. DingwallP. W. W. LeachE. O. Seymour 
Brig W. E. DuncanW. A. LeonMrs E. Shackleton 
M. S. Y. FowlerE. L. MellershW. K. M. Slimmings