Ximenes Competition No. 181  Ximenes Slip  |  ◀  180  |  182  ▶  |  Other competitions
No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
181 Dec 1951HANGABLE normal15


AwardClue writerClueExplanation
FirstD. J. FurleyConstable’s work may secure this verdict in England: in America they prefer warmer executiondouble mng.; ref. painter, electric chair
SecondMrs N. FisherAt the opening hour an actor’s likely to be strung uph + an + (Clark) Gable
ThirdS. B. GreenThe sailor in the corner at The Horse’s Head is apt to take a drop!H + AB in angle
HCD. L. L. ClarkeHareng éventré; competent—worth putting on the lineha(re)ng + able; gutted herring (Fr)
HCS. GoldieAfter shooting, how’s the game? Capital? In Bengal—ah, that’s different!anag.; 2 defs.; capital punishment
HCC. P. GrantConstables are often responsible for such a verdict in the eyes of good judgesdouble mng.; ref. painter
HCT. O. HughesLeading piece of handiwork by one who makes pictures suitable for the galleryh + an + (Clark) Gable
HCMrs L. JarmanMouth in a potty place, foot missing! Dali’s so—equivocalgab in Hanle(y); town in the Potteries
HCM. B. McIlroyWith a three-quarter size ball Hagen might he upset and made liable to swing in a different wayanag. incl. bal(l); ref. Walter H., US golfer
HCM. NewmanConfronted with the inevitable loophole that lets all murderers downcryptic def.; noose
HCMrs A. M. OsmondMistletoe is on the wall, stockings are on the bedpost, and turkey is in the larder—I am darn competent!hang! able; 3 hangable items
HCMrs M. G. Porter“My impression of Salvador Dali,” by Sir Alfred Munnings (or Henry Moore?)cryptic def.; opponent and proponent of modern art
HCE. R. PrenticeSubject to the stress of mortal coil?cryptic def.; noose
HCD. W. ReedsI’m capable, depend upon it, but liable to open trap at official function!hang + able; scaffold trap-door
HCJ. F. N. WedgeSo the Corporal was thought to be in suspense—and then the Island turned up!hang + Elba (rev.); ref. Napoleon, ‘the Little Corporal’

Runners-Up in competition 181:

E. S. AinleyL. E. EyresG. G. LawranceH. Rainger
J. A. BlairMrs K. N. GrahamP. W. W. LeachE. W. Richart
Rev B. ChapmanR. J. HallE. W. LeeA. Robins
A. N. ClarkH. A. HayesMrs E. MellershW. K. M. Slimmings
F. A. ClarkF. G. IllingworthT. W. MelluishE. B. Stevens
B. C. CubbonL. W. JenkinsonC. J. MorseC. A. Stewart
W. J. DuffinCapt G. LanghamRev E. B. PeelL. E. Thomas
Brig W. E. DuncanMrs J. H. C. LawlorR. Postill