WordStats for Comp. 1232  View the Azed Slip  |  ◀  1229  |  1234  ▶  |  Other competitions
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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
1232 Xmas 1995The world is too much with us; late and soon Anagram 29


Competition 1232’s average clue lengths over 29 clues:

34 letters per clue (11 below the archive average)

8.4 words per clue (1.2 below the archive average)


Anagram competition, all clue lengths are identical.


Competition 1232 has contributed 18 unique words to the clue archive:

P. WhiteChristmastide
N. C. Dextercowshed
Rev Canon C. M. BrounDeus
E. M. Holroyddosh-mad
J. C. LeylandHoliest
J. F. Grimshawhomes
C. J. Morsehounded
J. F. Grimshawlowland
D. F. ManleyMother-in-law
Rev Canon C. M. BrounNatus
C. A. ClarkeNicholson
H. W. Massinghamouthouse
H. W. Massinghamstarlit
M. Barleystar’d
J. C. Leylandwast
J. F. GrimshawWhite-out
J. C. Leylandwonderous
P. L. Stonewooed