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1596 Xmas 2002GENISTA Definition of Anagram 23


Competition 1596’s average clue lengths over 23 clues:

41 letters per clue (4 below the archive average, and 2 below the average for Definition of Anagram competitions)

8.8 words per clue (0.8 below the archive average, and 0.1 above the average for Definition of Anagram competitions)


Longest clue (the longest Definition of Anagram clue in the archive)

More than one way in which dominic may use information is a little lacking in depth

68 letters, 16 words, by A. G. Fleming


Shortest clue (the 6th shortest Definition of Anagram clue in the archive)

Geats fashioned to admit metal

26 letters, 5 words, by Mrs M. J. Cansfield


Competition 1596 has contributed 19 unique words to the clue archive:

A. Rothalimentary
Dr J. Gilliesandrogen
C. G. Millinbantering
D. Appletonbrownie
H. Freemancollagen
R. J. WhaleEuro-traveller
D. AppletonFuji
Mrs M. J. CansfieldGeats
D. AppletonIlford
D. ArthurJoshing
C. R. GumbrellLavengro
C. J. Morselegend
P. W. Marlownerves
A. Rothnourishment
R. PhillipsOrkneys
C. G. Millinpanto
A. Rothpathogen
J. C. Leylandroom-bust
H. Freemantitillation