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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
1598 Jan 2003PHRASEMONGER normal 24


Competition 1598’s average clue lengths over 24 clues:

45 letters per clue (equal to the archive average, and 2 below the average for 12-letter words)

9.3 words per clue (0.3 below the archive average, and 0.5 below the average for 12-letter words)


Longest clue (the 618th longest normal clue in the archive)

One who over-refines words in interpretation of Morgen, perhaps, neglecting piano

68 letters, 11 words, by R. J. Hooper


Shortest clue (the 242nd shortest normal clue in the archive)

‘Mr Gas’, he. Prone to spin

18 letters, 6 words, by D. R. Robinson


Competition 1598 has contributed 32 unique words to the clue archive:

M. BarleyAnemographs
J. P. Guiveraphorism
C. G. Millinbankers
Mrs J. E. Townsendcommentator
D. Ashcroftconcoctions
R. J. Palmerdeploys
R. Phillipsembodies
C. R. Gumbrellepigram
Mrs J. E. Townsendfluently
J. P. Guivergenre’s
A. J. Redstonegores
R. C. TeutonHa
Mrs J. E. Townsendheadlines
D. A. Campbellhigh-flier
R. J. Palmerhyperbolism
V. Dixonjuggles
C. G. MillinLong-winded
D. Ashcroftmarg
Mrs J. E. TownsendMarr
R. J. HooperMorgen
R. J. Hooperover-refines
C. R. Gumbrelloverwrought
K. Milanperms
D. A. Campbellprangs
R. R. GreenfieldPreach
A. G. ChamberlainPremier
V. G. Hendersonprosing
C. BoydRilke
R. R. Greenfieldsermon
W. Ransomeshaper
R. J. Healdsloganeer
K. Milanstylist