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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
1711 Mar 2005MINUS normal 26


Competition 1711’s average clue lengths over 26 clues:

35 letters per clue (10 below the archive average, and 7 below the average for 5-letter words)

7.1 words per clue (2.5 below the archive average, and 1.6 below the average for 5-letter words)


Longest clue (the 397th longest normal clue in the archive)

Deficient Military Intelligence followed by America incarcerating a large number

71 letters, 10 words, by A. Plumb


Shortest clues (the 17th shortest normal clues in the archive)

Dash in sum?

9 letters, 3 words, by Dr J. Burscough


Dash in sum?

9 letters, 3 words, by P. Dendy


Dash in sum?

9 letters, 3 words, by F. P. N. Lake


Competition 1711 has contributed 14 unique words to the clue archive:

C. J. Broughamangle
R. J. Whalegallon
A. Plumbincarcerating
G. H. Willettinnumerate
L. K. Edkinsinverse
E. A. BeaulahLatin’s
J. Grimesnegativity
N. C. Dexternudism
D. R. Robinsonnudism’s
C. J. Broughamsine
R. J. Whaletake-away
A. J. Wardropums
Rev Canon C. M. BrounUm’s
E. A. Beaulahuniversities