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No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
1810 | Feb 2007 | HARE / POSEUR / SERINETTE | DLM | 23 |
Competition 1810’s average clue lengths over 23 clues:
125 letters per clue (80 above the archive average, and 24 above the average for DLM competitions)
27.3 words per clue (17.7 above the archive average, and 4.7 above the average for DLM competitions)
Longest clue (the longest DLM clue in the archive)
Be a better preacher, a sensible one – move quickly to conclusion, then shut up – or sermons will seem a show-off of theology and congregations lose interest, glad to substitute hymns and organ for teaching.
165 letters, 34 words, by Rev Canon C. M. Broun
Shortest clue (the 21st shortest DLM clue in the archive)
Get up to speed at gym – heard our PE supreme’s a bit of a showman, so I’m interested in a personal trainer – for a lark!
89 letters, 25 words, by I. D. McDonald
Competition 1810 has contributed 42 unique words to the clue archive:
D. A. Campbell | birdsong |
Mrs S. G. Johnson | blow-outs |
Mrs S. G. Johnson | booze-ups |
N. C. Dexter | breakfasts |
R. J. Heald | dead-end |
P. Voogt | dependency |
N. C. Dexter | diarising |
J. F. Grimshaw | donate |
Rev M. R. Metcalf | eco-warrior |
R. J. Whale | encourage |
P. Voogt | exhibitionist |
P. Voogt | flashes |
Mrs S. G. Johnson | hepatic |
V. Dixon | Herculean |
D. A. Campbell | heron |
Mrs S. G. Johnson | hubris |
D. J. Short | medics |
C. J. Morse | mustn’t |
Mrs S. G. Johnson | nonetheless |
D. J. Short | operation’s |
T. C. Borland | overdoing |
R. J. Heald | play-actor |
D. A. Campbell | pochards |
Ms S. Wallace | ponces |
C. J. Morse | Presley |
N. C. Dexter | punctually |
D. A. Campbell | quacker |
C. J. Brougham | rehashing |
Mrs S. G. Johnson | renouncing |
M. Barley | salver |
Rev Canon C. M. Broun | sensible |
J. C. Leyland | separation |
I. D. McDonald | showman |
V. Dixon | smartass |
N. C. Dexter | songbirds |
G. H. Willett | stimulate |
V. Dixon | super-original |
I. D. McDonald | supreme’s |
Rev M. R. Metcalf | transplants |
D. A. Campbell | warblers |
Rev M. R. Metcalf | welfare |
D. A. Campbell | wildlife |