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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
1875 May 2008GOUTTE / UPREAR Right and Left 23


Competition 1875’s average clue lengths over 23 clues:

59 letters per clue (14 above the archive average, and 14 below the average for Right and Left competitions)

13.1 words per clue (3.5 above the archive average, and 1.6 below the average for Right and Left competitions)


Longest clue (the 62nd longest Right and Left clue in the archive)

Give exalted position to posh advocate of right – revolutionary goner shed a tear maybe in bowing out terminally

93 letters, 18 words, by D. F. Manley


Shortest clue (the 5th shortest Right and Left clue in the archive)

Sky hit behind wicket getting out for a blob?

36 letters, 9 words, by Dr I. S. Fletcher


Competition 1875 has contributed 12 unique words to the clue archive:

D. H. Tompsettagape
W. F. Mainbawling
J. G. Boothdriblet’s
N. C. Dexterelevate
D. H. Tompsettjolts
J. R. Tozerlatrine
L. F. MarzillierLeary
J. G. Boothpourer
R. D. Andersonpre-war
L. F. Marzillierpsychedelic
N. C. Dexterstingo
W. F. Mainterrors