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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
195 Dec 1975SHILLY-SHALLY normal 22


Competition 195’s average clue lengths over 22 clues:

52 letters per clue (7 above the archive average, and 5 above the average for 12-letter words)

10.6 words per clue (1 above the archive average, and 0.8 above the average for 12-letter words)


Longest clue (the 69th longest normal clue in the archive)

Indecisive type, starting off in one direction, going up and down, then backward, circling completely

83 letters, 15 words, by G. B. Greer


Shortest clue (the 859th shortest normal clue in the archive)

Stupid swaying – drunk and sober

26 letters, 5 words, by C. J. Morse


Competition 195 has contributed 11 unique words to the clue archive:

G. Johnstonecircumvented
J. D. Moorediffident
R. J. Palmerexcursion
F. D. Gardinergibe
A. O. HarriesHesitate
F. R. Palmerhospitals
G. B. GreerIndecisive
A. J. Bulmankinsman
F. D. GardinerScanty
S. Goldieshun
R. J. Hooperunconfident