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2168 Xmas 2013CENTURY (with missing C) Missing Letter 25


Competition 2168’s average clue lengths over 25 clues:

51 letters per clue (6 above the archive average, and 2 below the average for Missing Letter competitions)

10.8 words per clue (1.2 above the archive average, and equal to the average for Missing Letter competitions)


Longest clue (the longest Missing Letter clue in the archive)

Cook sometimes makes this – half of Xmas bird with last of gravy and, beforehand, starters of hunky edam and nibbles

93 letters, 20 words, by J. Vincent & R. Porter


Shortest clue (the 3rd shortest Missing Letter clue in the archive)

It’s all about adventures in middle age

32 letters, 7 words, by R. Grafen


Competition 2168 has contributed 15 unique words to the clue archive:

C. J. Morsebacksides
C. J. MorseBusby
Dr S. J. ShawCourtney
A. J. YoungDuration
J. Vincent & R. Porteredam
C. J. Butlerfalteringly
C. J. Morsegrieve
H. Freemanholer
A. J. Youngnationality
C. J. Morsephysic
J. P. Lesterquintets
M. Barleyspanned
J. AbernethyStrauss’s
H. Freemanthree-figure
J. P. LesterWeep