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2196 Jul 2014SEMANTRA / TRABEATE Overlaps 19


Competition 2196’s average clue lengths over 19 clues:

81 letters per clue (36 above the archive average, and 16 above the average for Overlaps competitions)

14.7 words per clue (5.1 above the archive average, and 2.4 above the average for Overlaps competitions)


Longest clue (the longest Overlaps clue in the archive)

At centre, gymnasts master spinning round bars, producing sound floor exercises, initially using horizontal beams, but not vaulting

110 letters, 18 words, by D. K. Arnott


Shortest clue (the 34th shortest Overlaps clue in the archive)

Rastamen broadcast church gongs, beamed as part of vibe at Easter

54 letters, 11 words, by N. G. Shippobotham


Competition 2196 has contributed 19 unique words to the clue archive:

E. Loobyanimatedly
D. Appletonbattens
J. R. Tozerbooms
S. J. J. TiffinCarlings
R. J. Healdcentury-less
P. L. StoneClangers
C. J. Butlerequivalents
S. J. J. Tiffinexhibition’s
S. J. J. Tiffinfortified
N. G. Shippobothamgongs
D. K. Arnottgymnasts
R. C. Teutonname’s
D. Appletonrenovation
M. Barleyreverberate
J. Grimesstrobe
R. J. Healdsubstitutes
M. A. Macdonald-Coopertoll
D. F. Manleyunbending
N. G. Shippobothamvibe