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2547 Apr 2021FILATORY normal 22


Competition 2547’s average clue lengths over 22 clues:

50 letters per clue (5 above the archive average, and 5 above the average for 8-letter words)

10.5 words per clue (0.9 above the archive average, and 1.1 above the average for 8-letter words)


Longest clue (the 77th longest normal clue in the archive)

Priti’s latest to appear swathed in Union Jack? Government’s yielding to Conservative spin machine

82 letters, 14 words, by M. Hodgkin


Shortest clue (the 859th shortest normal clue in the archive)

Source of yarn or line if at work

26 letters, 8 words, by N. Connaughton


Competition 2547 has contributed 14 unique words to the clue archive:

J. Vincent & Ms R. Porteradmirable
J. Vincent & Ms R. Porteralbs
A. J. Wardropbespoke
A. J. ShieldsButtler
D. F. ManleyClotho
K. & J. Wolfffactory
J. C. LeylandHeald
A. Gerrardlaity
M. HodgkinPriti’s
A. J. Shieldsprofitably
M. Hodgkinswathed
K. & J. Wolffthrostler’s
T. C. Borlandwoof
R. J. Healdyarn-spinner