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2551 May 2021SPAVIN Spoonerisms 25


Competition 2551’s average clue lengths over 25 clues:

54 letters per clue (9 above the archive average, and 8 above the average for Spoonerisms competitions)

11.0 words per clue (1.4 above the archive average, and 1.2 above the average for Spoonerisms competitions)


Longest clue (the longest Spoonerisms clue in the archive)

Originally, stalking provided a viable income, nowadays this adversely affects many a ghillie’s fate

84 letters, 14 words, by D. Appleton


Shortest clue (the 21st shortest Spoonerisms clue in the archive)

Hanker, of course, after resort’s wine

30 letters, 6 words, by P. Finan


Competition 2551 has contributed 27 unique words to the clue archive:

D. Appletonadversely
A. Gerrardcontinually
A. J. Varneyfoxhound
D. Appletonghillie’s
R. J. HealdHubble
W. Dreverjuniper
J. DoylendKay’s
Dr S. J. ShawLillee
D. F. ManleyLillee’s
T. J. MooreyLily’s
A. J. ShieldsMarbella
N. Connaughtonmonarchy
A. J. Wardropnobs
M. Hodgkinplatform’s
J. Pearceprimp
J. Doylendpurchasing
P. Finanresort’s
A. GerrardSaps
S. Hicksshelving
D. Appletonstalking
R. J. Healdsupernova
M. Hodgkinterminus
J. C. Leylandtrainspotters
T. West-Taylorvaccination
D. Appletonviable
A. J. WardropVIPs
A. J. Varneyvixens