Azed Competition No. 146  Azed Slip  |  ◀  143  |  148  ▶  |  Other competitions  |  ordStats
No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
146 Xmas 1974CHARADES normal30


AwardClue writerClueExplanation
FirstDr G. B. GreerThey may be made up by dear Azed each Xmas (deduction of first and second parts required)anag. of (de)ar (Az)ed (ea)ch (Xm)as, & lit.
SecondJ. R. Kirby‘Amateur Dramatics’, leads from which are used in sporting search for required wordA D in anag., & lit.
ThirdD. A. NichollsFreeze? No, no place for that, but unions must help our problemschar Ades; ref. miners’ strike
VHCR. B. AdcockWhat might transport vulgar party? – acts with nothing censored!chara + d(0)es & lit.
VHCCol P. S. BainesTechniques, said Torquemada, without question quite mad, can literally compose these playful puzzlesanag. less anag.
VHCE. A. BeaulahSeasonal offering from arch-Sade!anag.
VHCE. ChalkleyWhat solver could do on Sunday after absorbing the original and latest of Azed’s puzzlesA, d in chare S
VHCJ. ColebyPuzzles that may involve a search, including the opening of a dictionaryanag. incl. d
VHCR. DeanWord puzzles from the dailies left one lost!char(l)ad(I)es
VHCCdr H. H. L. DicksonHostess might suggest these, having had races disastrouslyanag.
VHCB. FrancoWith diversification, this strict pastime could produce capers at Christmas-tidecomp. anag. & lit.
VHCN. GambierParty games turn House of Commons upside down – rioting as a red succeedsHC (rev.) + anag.
VHCW. F. GoodmanInitially Chambers’s has ‘acted riddles’ as definition – enough said!first letters & lit.
VHCD. V. HarryAn intellectual game almost, in which unit follows unit sequentiallya rad in ches(s), & lit.
VHCR. JacksIn which to find tea and sin’s result in teasin’schar + Ades, & lit.; teasings
VHCA. H. JonesParty contest read about in Dickens, perhaps. At Eatanswill? More likely Dingley Dellanag. in Chas.; ref ‘Pickwick Papers’, trial and Xmas party
VHCMiss R. M. KettlewellSeasonal entertainment (?) provided by Arch-Sadeanag.
VHCA. LawrieBomb scare had to cause diversionsanag.
VHCJ. P. LesterSporting a card he’s acting at party levelanag.
VHCD. F. ManleyDrama in tea commercial – apes dropping a pianochar ad (a p)es; ref. PG Tips TV commercial
VHCMiss G. M. MayHere’s something ‘To Mum at Christmas’. Guess what. Cash, dear, well wrapped upanag.; mum2
VHCD. P. M. MichaelAzed heartlessly in tortuous search for word playsA(ze)d in anag.
VHCW. L. MironMay be riddles as heard after start of cracker-pullingc + anag., & lit.; riddle vt.
VHCC. J. MorseWith puzzles like these Azed heartlessly interrupts the houseworkA(ze)d in chares, & lit.
VHCR. J. PalmerIn which a word, finally, is to be found in merry searchanag. incl. a d & lit.
VHCD. A. SmithInitially concealed herein, answers reappear after defining each syllablefirst letters & lit.
VHCL. H. StewartDevelopers, merging small plots into bigger ones for the purpose of speculation, had acres for reconstructionanag.
VHCRev C. D. WestbrookAfter tea one has some in the salon, perhaps, about the end of Decemberr in cha a des (Fr.), & lit.
VHCC. E. WilliamsParty games after tea – Boston tea parties we hearcha + ‘raids’; U.S. pronunciation
VHCD. C. WilliamsonRiddles are to be found in crashed crackersa in anag.

HCs in competition 146 awarded to:

C. Allen BakerA. L. DennisMrs S. M. MacphersonD. H. Smith
W. G. ArnottH. F. DixonL. K. MaltbyM. D. Speigel
J. C. BarnesJ. A. FinckenL. MayT. A. J. Spencer
T. E. BellP. D. GaffeyB. L. MeekJ. R. Stocks
Mrs K. BissettD. A. GingerT. N. NesbittBrig R. F. E. Stoney
Miss M. P. BlackburnJ. J. GoulstoneF. E. NewloveF. B. Stubbs
E. J. BurgeN. L. HindleyW. H. PegramJ. G. Stubbs
C. O. ButcherS. HolgateM. L. PerkinsJ. B. Sweeting
R. S. CaffynP. HunterN. A. PerkinsD. J. Thorpe
K. D. CampbellG. JohnstoneH. L. RhodesR. H. Tillcock
A. E. CrowC. L. JonesW. RodgersMrs M. P. Webber
G. CuthbertR. W. KillickL. G. D. SandersJ. F. N. Wedge
W/Cdr D. C. DawesJ. H. C. LeachT. E. SandersA. J. Young