Azed Competition No. 2220 Azed Slip | ◀ 2218 | 2222 ▶ | Other competitions | ordStats
No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
2220 | Xmas 2014 | A twelve-letter ‘Christmas cracker’ | Christmas Cracker | 21 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | D. K. Arnott | Solitary Christmas – a little snooze, a little canned Mosel (free from M&S), a little cake | NAPOLEON/LONESOME; NAPONOELSOME; Noel some; nap on (M)o(s)el |
Second | R. J. Heald | Christmas can bore perhaps without constant source of fine wit as in ‘crackers’ of Jonathan’s creation | SWIFTIAN/NATIVITY; SWIFTINAVITY; anag. incl. f; tin + (c)avity |
Third | T. C. Borland | Nuts roasting, I might play carols this month, having time off TV full of glitz | ORGANIST/TINSELLY; ORGAINSTELLY; anag.; inst + (t)elly |
VHC | T. Anderson | Choosing cocktail jewellery, till’s beginning to ring and ring | EARRINGS/GIN SLING; EARRSINGLING; 2 defs.; ear3 + r, sing |
VHC | D. & N. Aspland | Star entering stable a long time back, Christmas carol said, lit up a king | STALLONE/LEONIDAS; STALNOELIDAS; eon (rev.) in stall; Noel + anag. |
VHC | M. Barley | Guiding light in sky leads to new King very long ago, accompanying trio of astronomers all the way | LODESTAR/STRAIGHT; LODEASTRIGHT; anag. + R; ast + right |
VHC | Ms K. Bolton | Pop’s caught clumsy travellers on sloping roof with front of sleigh stuck in snow, now dropping its contents? | CHAMPERS/PRESENTS; CHAMREPSENTS; c ham reps; re + s in pent + s(now) |
VHC | A. Everest | Deliverer in sheltered yard suddenly appearing in need of gentle Christmas delivery helper to hold back ungulates from the East | REINDEER/REDEEMER; REINREEDEMER; reed3 + emer(gent2); rein + deer (rev.) |
VHC | Dr I. S. Fletcher | Christmas scene one can back? Crucially not all uphold mother missing last vacancy | MAINTAIN/NATIVITY; MAINANITVITY; a + tin (rev.) + vit(all)y; ma + inanit(y) |
VHC | R. Gilbert | Light that guided the Magi perhaps and many a miserable wretch, vision in which art’s redefined instantly | LOADSTAR/STRAIGHT; LOADSRATIGHT; loads rat; anag. in sight |
VHC | J. McGhee | Sounds like you’ll plan food for Christmas Church function in Edinburgh – rather boring there | YULETIDE/TEDISOME; YULEDIETSOME; ‘you’ll’ + diet; diet + some |
VHC | T. J. Moorey | Fireworks displays fizz on Santa’s introduction behind field | CHAMPERS/SERPENTS; CHAMPRESENTS; 2 defs.; champ + re S |
VHC | C. J. Morse | Fabled Wise Men pursuing one goal found finally in one Being true selfhood | IMAGINED/IDENTITY; IMAGIENDTITY; I + Magi + end; (foun)d in I entity |
VHC | R. J. Palmer | Bearer of Christmas gifts stopped around manger finally – Eastern monarchs about to regard Saviour | REINDEER/REDEEMER; REINERDEEMER; r in reined + E; deem in ER × 2 |
VHC | G. J. H. Roberts | Drink, cheeks stuffed with a ready meal, tree, emptied pies and nuts, crackers, giving gifts | CHAMPERS/PRESENTS; CHAMREPSENTS; MRE (qv) in chaps; anag. incl. ps, ns |
VHC | Dr S. J. Shaw | Tip of nose in Rudolph’s headgear lights eastern worker in bay window | ORIENTAL/LANTERNS; ORIEANTLERNS; n in antlers; ant in oriel |
VHC | I. Simpson | I’m a little child sitting by a tree/I’m synonymous with joy/First of all attend to stocking crammed/I’m like The Snowman’s little boy | CHARMIAN/ANIMATED; CHARAMINATED; ch. + a ramin, see Names in C.; ate in a(ll) mind |
VHC | P. A. Stephenson | Perhaps they move Santa about during day before Christ’s remembered, with hearts lifted all round | REINDEER/REDEEMER; REINDEREEMER; re in d ere; reme(mb)ered (rev.) |
VHC | P. L. Stone | Bubbly chap with red clothing marks day going south to wondrous premises delivering a million gifts | CHAMPERS/PRESSIES; CHAMSPRESIES; m, s in chap re(d); S + anag. less m |
VHC | J. Vincent & Ms R. Porter | Head of Selfridges desires a bit of peace before end of December – bargain hunters especially tore apart section for gifts! | SHOPPERS/PRESENTS; SHOPESPRENTS; S + hopes+ p + r; esp. rent s; ref. ‘Black Friday’ |
VHC | L. Ward | Having rump and most of those Scotch bottles after hot stews, I’m stuffed on Christmas Eve and warble around crib and little King | HARICOTS/STOCKING; HARISCOTKING; H + aris + cot(c); cot K in sing |
HCs in competition 2220 awarded to: