Ximenes Competition No. 630  Ximenes Slip  |  ◀  626  |  634  ▶  |  Other competitions
No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
630 Feb 1961STREAKY normal20


AwardClue writerClueExplanation
FirstJ. ThompsonThis kind of shot is hit into the air, with not quite the full pace in ittrea(d) in sky, & lit.; shot, adj.; sky, vb.; ref. cricket [see comments]
SecondMiss D. W. TaylorLike a pedestrian crossing, not even looking—what could be rasher?2 mngs.; i.e. even-looking
ThirdMrs L. JarmanMy taker is not normally associated with leaders of the synagogueanag. of taker sy(nagogue), & lit.
HCC. Allen BakerForming an endless track in the heavens, like a mackerel-skytrea(d) in sky
HCJ. K. AndersonLike our blue missile, this is an uncertain treasure in the heavenstrea(sure) in sky; ref. Blue Streak missile
HCP. R. ClemowEndless pie where some are hoping to find it (the rasher may be)trea(t) in sky; ‘pie in the sky’
HCG. H. DicksonLike vapour-trail patterns resulting from shattering rate in the blueanag. in sky, & lit.
HCL. A. T. DuthieOld-style gammon in the piggery is not always grade A baconreak (= hoax, obs.) in sty
HCS. GoldieDescribes sob-sister’s make-up. Where you see stars embracing phoney tear produces this!anag. in sky
HCV. JenningsYorkshire’s opener has a flash to begin with—what could be rasher!streak + Y
HCD. P. M. MichaelIs treasure in heaven not sure? This could describe what may have to be faced when one has risentrea(sure) in sky; breakfast
HCC. J. MorseOne rare old spree in a real hot spot, and I’m barred!reak (= prank, obs.) in sty2
HCT. N. NesbittRailway minute steak—uneven in quality—needs mincing upanag. incl. Ry; minute, adj.
HCDr C. NicholsonHatched; not like eggs, but eaten with them2 mngs.
HCL. S. PearceTear all over the place in the heavens like a flash of lightninganag. in sky
HCR. PostillJ. Sprat meekly had … alternate bites!—a suitable arrangement for this kind of meatanag. of alternate letters, & lit. [see comments]
HCMrs J. RobertsonSuitable accompaniment to curate’s egg, being uneven in quality2 mngs.; “good in parts”
HCR. E. ScratonLike the curate’s egg—and his bacon?2 mngs.; “good in parts”
HCF. B. StubbsLike the curate’s bacon?cryptic def.; “good in parts”
HCJ. A. L. SturrockPossible appearance of essential part of breakfast in place where pigs are kept!(b)reak(fast) in sty, & lit.

Runners-Up in competition 630:

Mrs E. N. AdlingtonA. E. CrowE. M. HornbyH. Rotter
A. W. AspinallJ. McI. CruickshankA. J. HughesW. K. M. Slimmings
M. J. BallA. E. DanherLt Cdr E. S. IrvineH. J. Snelgar
T. E. BellT. H. EastG. KirschA. F. R. Stoddart
J. M. BennettJ. A. FinckenA. LawrieA. D. Walker
Rev C. M. BrounMrs J. O. FullerJ. D. LockettJ. Ward
C. O. ButcherA. C. GardnerW. L. MironJ. F. N. Wedge
R. S. CaffynS. V. GibsonR. A. MostynMrs E. J. Wilkie
D. L. L. ClarkeG. P. GoddardBrig A. Prain 
Miss M. ColombD. HawsonRev E. G. Riley 
V. A. R. CooperJ. M. HendrieA. Robins