Ximenes Competition No. 673  Ximenes Slip  |  ◀  669  |  676  ▶  |  Other competitions
No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
673 Dec 1961ERISTICAL normal20


AwardClue writerClueExplanation
FirstC. KoopRegarding con´troversy or controv´ersy, it is clear which is wronganag.
SecondC. Allen BakerIn describing the scene between Tweedledum and Tweedledee, a considerable amount is concerned with its anger.—“Through the Looking-glass”lac its ire (all rev.)
ThirdR. E. ScratonVast multitude from Commonwealth, to its resentment, must be turned back; that’s controversiallac its ire (all rev.)
HCR. B. AdcockPrepared for fall-out? Order a Lacticiser and there’s no need to worry about calciumanag. less Ca
HCLt Col P. S. BainesWhat is the derivation of Ulrica—strife—fur flying?!anag. less fur, & lit.: all 3 eristical: U. = wolf-rule, C. names
HCC. I. BullockDad’s back and he’s put on weight—it’s made him argumentativesire (rev.) + tical
HCC. O. ButcherWith the Queen in Alice it’s mortifying to be thisR in anag., & lit.; mortify = become corrupt
HCN. C. DexterWhat starts engine? I sit bemused in broken-down car—a learner! My sort’s at a loss when motionlesse + anag. in anag. + L; motionless, i.e. in debate
HCMrs N. FisherControversial rattle, to cause a stir in “Alice”anag. in anag.; ref. Tweedledum; rattle = disconcert
HCK. GibsonControversial article is subject to misrepresentationanag.
HCE. GomersallDescribes cat and dog in characteristic altercationhidden & lit.
HCR. N. Haygarth“Your Majesty is back having put on some weight”—that’s controversial!sire (rev.) + tical
HCDr T. J. R. Maguire“Throwing it aside, and stemming it with hearts…” What’s next? It’s clear I will need jogging!anag.; “…of controversy,” J. Caesar i. 2
HCD. P. M. MichaelPossibly it’s a relic, but I’m disposed to cultivate the spat!anag.; s. = quarrel
HCC. J. MorseControversial article is re-edited—and characteristically loses half its strength!anag.; hidden
HCR. PostillIll-rehearsed recital is likely to involve discordanag.
HCRev E. G. RileyControversial article is in need of drastic editinganag.
HCT. E. SandersIt is Clare, perhaps, where one sees what sort of men wranglers must beanag.; C. College
HCH. S. TribeArticles I must knit to be given to fighting causesanag.
HCF. T. WaltonUnder the influence of a goddess—Ate her own baby—A revolting form of Salic riteanag.; Ate, daughter of Eris

Runners-Up in competition 673:

J. W. BatesC. R. DeanH. LyonR. J. Steel
R. T. BaxterA. L. DennisMrs E. McFeeF. B. Stubbs
Mrs J. ChalkleyP. G. W. GlareP. H. MorganJ. Thompson
R. F. S. ChignellA. H. JonesL. S. PearceA. F. Toms
R. N. ChignellM. J. LanchesterA. Robins 
P. M. CoombsA. LawrieE. O. Seymour 
T. DaviesA. F. LerrigoW. K. M. Slimmings