WordStats for Comp. 1084  View the Azed Slip  |  ◀  1078  |  1087  ▶  |  Other competitions
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Competition 1084’s average clue lengths over 23 clues:

76 letters per clue (31 above the archive average, and 25 below the average for DLM competitions)

17.9 words per clue (8.3 above the archive average, and 4.7 below the average for DLM competitions)


Longest clue (the 22nd longest DLM clue in the archive)

In my heart, oh, I leap, Rebecca (open to Cupid’s old skill):
Now you’re my priceless grail, Rebecca – you at your jingling till!

95 letters, 23 words, by H. W. Massingham


Shortest clue (the shortest DLM clue in the archive)

By calibre peerless not apt to be bored
I offer betrothal, Grissel my adored

62 letters, 14 words, by R. A. England


Competition 1084 has contributed 34 unique words to the clue archive:

M. A. Macdonald-Cooperafford
R. S. Morsearrows
F. D. Gardinerassistant’s
R. S. MorseBeatrice
E. J. Burgebilling
E. J. Burgebleeps
Dr E. Youngcoffer
F. P. N. Lakedart-proof
M. Earledisarmed
D. H. Tompsettentail
G. PerryGail
J. F. N. Wedgegarlic
R. F. Naishglaring
M. A. Macdonald-CooperGrasse
R. A. EnglandGrissel
Dr E. J. Millerheart’s
G. J. Millericeberg
F. D. Gardinerjewels
H. W. Massinghamjingling
M. Earlelissotrichous
F. D. Gardinerlobe
F. D. Gardinerlovelier
A. G. Chamberlainperils
J. H. Russellpersuaded
G. ClydePils
M. A. Macdonald-CooperPre
D. V. Harrypricey
D. H. Tompsettserveth
Rev Canon C. M. Brounshe-trader
C. J. Morseshop-assisant
G. J. Millersword-point
J. H. Russelluglier
G. J. Millerunarmoured
D. V. HarryVendeuse