WordStats for Comp. 2395 View the Azed Slip | ◀ 2390 | 2399 ▶ | Other competitions
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No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
2395 | May 2018 | PURITANISM | normal | 26 |
Competition 2395’s average clue lengths over 26 clues:
52 letters per clue (7 above the archive average, and 5 above the average for 10-letter words)
10.1 words per clue (0.5 above the archive average, and 0.4 above the average for 10-letter words)
Longest clue (the 6th longest normal clue in the archive)
Anti-establishment movement with beginnings in underground pamphlets, invective signed ‘Martin’ getting distributed
100 letters, 12 words, by B. Lovering
Shortest clue (the 752nd shortest normal clue in the archive)
One repressed, prim aunt’s bent?
25 letters, 5 words, by T. C. Borland
Competition 2395 has contributed 35 unique words to the clue archive:
P. Tharby | anathema |
B. Lovering | Anti-establishment |
Dr J. Burscough | Arminius |
V. Dixon | athletically |
T. J. Moorey | believing |
R. Gilbert | Bunyan |
L. Ward | courtroom |
M. Barnes | Crucible |
R. Gilbert | equivocal |
Dr S. J. Shaw | Framework |
D. F. Manley | God-driven |
T. Rudd | handbag |
R. Gilbert | influenced |
B. Lovering | invective |
L. Ward | Ironside |
J. C. Leyland | lied |
R. Gilbert | Milton |
Mrs A. M. Walden | morality |
J. Grimes | naturism |
B. Lovering | pamphlets |
Dr J. Burscough | pietist |
P. W. Marlow | pontificating |
Dr J. Burscough | precept |
Dr P. W. Nash | precepts |
J. C. Leyland | professing |
C. G. Millin | Protestantism |
P. Tharby | relationships |
T. C. Borland | repressed |
P. Tharby | Royalists |
P. Tharby | same-sex |
V. Dixon | self-control |
M. Barley | severity |
J. C. Leyland | silenced |
L. Ward | Trundling |
Dr P. W. Nash | turnips |