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57 Apr 1973MINARET Printer’s Devilry 26


Competition 57’s average clue lengths over 26 clues:

39 letters per clue (6 below the archive average, and 3 below the average for Printer’s Devilry competitions)

8.0 words per clue (1.6 below the archive average, and 1 below the average for Printer’s Devilry competitions)


Longest clue (the 11th longest Printer’s Devilry clue in the archive)

Considering the conditions, they maintain the/ories fair to the underprivileged

68 letters, 10 words, by R. E. Kimmons


Shortest clue (the 4th shortest Printer’s Devilry clue in the archive)

I fi/re at enemy advance

19 letters, 5 words, by P. Drummond


Competition 57 has contributed 17 unique words to the clue archive:

Mrs N. J. JarmanBunter-whine
Mrs N. J. Jarmancondone
Rev C. D. Westbrookdrums
N. C. Dexterexaminer
F. R. Palmerexpert’s
C. Allen Bakerfixture
Dr R. L. WynneParthians
F. G. IllingworthProspective
Brig R. F. E. Stoneyrugs
J. RevillShadow
G. Aspinstairing
F. G. Illingworthsurveys
C. Allen Bakertea-urn
G. Johnstonetorches
R. E. Kimmonsunderprivileged
Dr R. L. Wynneweaken
Mrs N. J. JarmanWharton