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No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
57 | Apr 1973 | MINARET | Printer’s Devilry | 26 |
Competition 57’s average clue lengths over 26 clues:
39 letters per clue (6 below the archive average, and 3 below the average for Printer’s Devilry competitions)
8.0 words per clue (1.6 below the archive average, and 1 below the average for Printer’s Devilry competitions)
Longest clue (the 11th longest Printer’s Devilry clue in the archive)
Considering the conditions, they maintain the/ories fair to the underprivileged
68 letters, 10 words, by R. E. Kimmons
Shortest clue (the 4th shortest Printer’s Devilry clue in the archive)
I fi/re at enemy advance
19 letters, 5 words, by P. Drummond
Competition 57 has contributed 17 unique words to the clue archive:
Mrs N. J. Jarman | Bunter-whine |
Mrs N. J. Jarman | condone |
Rev C. D. Westbrook | drums |
N. C. Dexter | examiner |
F. R. Palmer | expert’s |
C. Allen Baker | fixture |
Dr R. L. Wynne | Parthians |
F. G. Illingworth | Prospective |
Brig R. F. E. Stoney | rugs |
J. Revill | Shadow |
G. Aspin | stairing |
F. G. Illingworth | surveys |
C. Allen Baker | tea-urn |
G. Johnstone | torches |
R. E. Kimmons | underprivileged |
Dr R. L. Wynne | weaken |
Mrs N. J. Jarman | Wharton |