Azed Competition No. 1753 Azed Slip | ◀ 1752 | 1758 ▶ | Other competitions |
No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
1753 | Jan 2006 | DIAGONAL | normal | 28 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | J. C. Leyland | Possibly I do anag. & lit. rendering it lamely: ‘A line doing a slant’ | anag. less it, anag. incl. l, & lit. |
Second | R. R. Greenfield | With end of bigotry, what is shocking in a gay old bishop’s inclination? | anag. less y; ref. chess |
Third | B. Burton | Deacon’s about to be dismissed for good – only course open to bishop | diaconal with g for c; ref. chess |
VHC | D. Arthur | A line doing a move obliquely? | anag. incl. l, & lit. |
VHC | M. Barley | Angling: contest between twisting fish and one with line | agon in id (rev.) a l |
VHC | C. J. & M. P. Butler | Canting Adonis toying with gal (no hint of sex) | anag. less s |
VHC | C. A. Clarke | Bias: a loading that’s skewed | anag. |
VHC | M. Coates | Obliquely I go and a line I am | anag. incl. l, & lit. |
VHC | R. Dean | Between two corners, assist from back’s heading for net in score | aid (rev.) + n in goal |
VHC | N. C. Dexter | An oblong’s extremities I’d obliquely join with a line | anag. incl. o, g + a l, & lit. |
VHC | M. J. Hanley | Going through the corners with one inside, Lagonda’s written off? | I in anag. |
VHC | R. Hesketh | Line taken by bishops relating to deacons – good for chapter | diaconal with g for c |
VHC | R. J. Hooper | Goal! – and international’s shot from a corner headed for another | anag. incl. I |
VHC | S. D. James | Cater for the locals having laid on a good spread | anag. incl. g; cater2 |
VHC | Mrs S. G. Johnson | Biased government subsidy backed ruinous loan | G aid (rev.) + anag. |
VHC | J. P. Lester | Demonstrating Lagonda, I swerved through the corners | anag. |
VHC | D. F. Manley | Shaky old nag full of sloth going round point-to-point cutting corners? | ai (rev.) in anag.; ref. d. of quadrilateral or polygon |
VHC | P. W. Marlow | What might be constructed on a grid (a line) concealing setter’s end? | anag. incl. l, less r, & lit.; ref. AZ’s message in d. |
VHC | K. Milan | Slash aid, along with reconstruction | anag. |
VHC | T. J. Moorey | See New Orleans given little Government help, reflecting North/South’s divide? | la NO G aid (all rev.); solidus; ref. Hurricane Katrina |
VHC | I. Morgan | Struggle in ring? It engages both corners | agon in dial |
VHC | C. J. Morse | I’m a line that joins and I go aslant | anag. + a l, & lit. |
VHC | G. Perry | Both corners are connected with this struggle in ring | agon in dial |
VHC | R. Perry | Conflict in ring between red and blue corners | agon in dial |
VHC | N. G. Shippobotham | Bishop controls it – this rite involving God (inter alia) | comp. anag. |
VHC | T. Smith | Opposing corners are united by this struggle in ring | agon in dial |
VHC | J. R. Tozer | Catering line cooked in old Aga | anag.; cater2 |
VHC | A. J. Wardrop | It comes in from a corner and goalie almost blunders | anag. incl. goali(e) |
HCs in competition 1753 awarded to: