Ximenes Competition No. 285 Ximenes Slip | ◀ 283 | 287 ▶ | Other competitions
No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
285 | May 1954 | PARALYSES | normal | 18 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | Mrs E. M. Simmonds | Acts like a number of members: gets especially agitated about salary revision! | anag. in anag. of esp.; numb-er |
Second | F. B. Stubbs | Port with plenty of nuts cures cripples | Pará lyses; i.e. Brazil nuts |
Third | E. S. Ainley | Wilts is a sparsely populated (old-world) antithesis of Bucks | anag., 2 defs.; populated (obs) = devastated |
HC | Miss A. W. Baldy | Less pay allotted to leaders of Railwaymen’s Association causes members to go on strike | anag. incl. R A |
HC | J. W. Bates | Muffed pass early puts an end to movement | anag. |
HC | Mrs Caithness | Produces an exhibition of still life for which Royal Academy pay less—unfortunately | anag. incl. RA |
HC | A. E. Clayton | Cripples—the outcome of Ypres. Alas! | anag. |
HC | J. Cordery | Mishandling of early pass brings useful movement to a premature end | anag. |
HC | Brig W. E. Duncan | As players become a bit shaky, a bad stroke, or an attack of nerves, does it | anag. |
HC | J. A. Fincken | Stops working organs can’t be players as well | anag.; i.e. can’t well be … |
HC | S. B. Green | A little money improves the condition of cripples | para lyses |
HC | Mrs L. Jarman | Get stops working full out, e.g. vox humana: plays havoc with the ears in parts | anag. of plays ears |
HC | C. J. Lowe | As players lose their form, they cause members to refrain from giving active support | anag.; paralyses pl. n. |
HC | H. Lyon | Mishandled early pass spoils the whole movement | anag. |
HC | C. J. Morse | The number the experts take, one less y (variable), performs the function of any number | par a + anag.; i.e. numb-er |
HC | R. Postill | Produces results such as palsy’s are | anag. & lit. |
HC | O. Carlton Smith | It’s the tricky early pass renders powerless our whole side, maybe | anag. |
HC | M. Woolf | As parleys break down, you’ll see what a rail-strike does! | anag. |
Runners-Up in competition 285: