Ximenes Competition No. 400  Ximenes Slip  |  ◀  395  |  404  ▶  |  Other competitions
No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
400 Sep 1956Word with 400 theme Quatercentenary21


AwardClue writerClueExplanation
FirstR. PostillA result of stirring up s-e-x in one (13)concupiscence; anag. & lit.; x = CCCC
SecondC. J. MorseThe work of X in x puts all sorrows to rout (9)crossword; anag. in CD
ThirdS. Goldiex years before Napoleon was beaten, a Geneva assembly settled the French hash (9)Agincourt; a gin court; x = 400; ref. battle of A. 1415, and Waterloo 1815
HCF. D. H. AtkinsonHalf the terrorists (about x) did it; his wife and children were massacred (7)Macduff; CD in Mau (Mau) + ff; ref. Macbeth IV.3
HCL. E. EyresMother’s up against x: she’s got an ’orrible temper too—all too ready to “lay on” (7)Macduff; ma + CD + (h)uff; ref. Macbeth V.8
HCM. S. Y. FowlerDescribed by Jaques (a Frenchman, of course) as “a Greek invocation” of the x spirit (7)ducdame; du + CD + âme; ref. As You Like It II.5
HCE. GomersallAh! x, you old ruddy soak! (6)lac-dye; la + CD + ye
HCS. B. GreenMiss, swallowing a x, cried “O horror! horror! horror!” (7)Macduff; a CD in muff; ref. Macbeth II.3
HCG. G. LawranceSteady increases in the complexity of xs are seen (12)accrescences; anag.; x = CCCC
HCH. LyonHalf the rebel gang—about x—very loudly commanded to lead on (7)Macduff; CD in Mau (Mau) + ff; ref. Macbeth V.8 [see comments in Slip no. 404]
HCP. H. MorganLike that x with the rotund figure—extraordinarily large whopper of a guy! (10)socdolager; so + CD + O + anag.
HCF. E. NewloveP.M. reveals the old man collapsed after swallowing an x (9)MacDonald; a CD in anag.; ref. Ramsay M.
HCE. C. PattendenInitially x, the Home Service may be got if you have only a tattered 5d. licence (5,7)Civil Defence; anag. of five d licence; i.e. abbreviated as CD
HCMaj J. N. PurdonThough quartered in an unhealthy spot, x has got rooted here (5)score; C in sore; i.e. quarter and square root of 400
HCC. M. SherrellThe formula for this medicine is x
+ 54 e: stir up thoroughly (3-5,3)
cod-liver oil; i.e. CD divided by o + LIV + e + roil
HCMiss D. W. TaylorCave! There’s a master around with a dark look—and this is where x got in a hole! (7)Adullam; a dull + MA (rev.); ref. 1 Samuel 22, David went with 400 men to cave of A.
HCD. H. TompsettMr. Melancholy’s burden—universal x in the grip of a woman! (7)ducdame; U CD in dame; ref. As You Like It II.5
HCH. S. TribeIn the place of x young virgins an assortment of big hale jades! (6-6)Jabesh-Gilead; anag.; ref. Judges 21:12
HCH. T. R. Twyford“Greek invocation, to call fools into a circle.” You can get x plus a thousand in exactly (7)ducdame; CD a M in due; ref. As You Like It II.5
HCR. A. WellsWith x in view out East, baby, it looks like the beginning of a strip-tease act! (7)ecdysis; CD in ey(E) + sis
HCH. T. YoungAt rest, one year back (about) my light had shone for x (6)Ridley; idle in yr (rev.); ref. Bishop R., “we shall … light such a candle …”, 400th anniversary of martyrdom in 1955

Runners-Up in competition 400:

D. A. AndrewsBrig W. E. DuncanG. T. HoldenE. J. Rackham
Maj P. S. BainesW. J. EmersonV. JenningsM. Reilly
T. E. BellJ. A. FinckenI. W. MacphersonM. R. Sampford
J. A. BlairM. FreelandGrp Capt G. Struan MarshallT. E. Sanders
R. F. S. ChignellC. E. GatesD. P. M. MichaelW. K. M. Slimmings
R. N. ChignellD. S. GordonP. M. NeweyO. Carlton Smith
A. N. ClarkJ. A. Maxtone GrahamA. E. NorthR. I. Sutherland
F. J. ClarkP. GraystoneA. P. O’LearyJ. Templeton
D. L. L. ClarkeF. H. W. HawesG. PerryL. K. Upton
Miss L. M. CollinsD. HawsonE. G. PhillipsJ. F. N. Wedge
Cdr H. H. L. DicksonR. N. HaygarthE. R. Prentice 
J. E. DorringtonD. HendersonC. Quin