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No.DateClue wordClue typeClues
1307 Jun 1997AGILE Spoonerisms 22


Competition 1307’s average clue lengths over 22 clues:

43 letters per clue (2 below the archive average, and 3 below the average for Spoonerisms competitions)

9.3 words per clue (0.3 below the archive average, and 0.5 below the average for Spoonerisms competitions)


Longest clue (the 29th longest Spoonerisms clue in the archive)

One getting stuck into a supporter ‘foot first’, as one jumping over stand’ll kick?

65 letters, 14 words, by G. P. Conway


Shortest clues (the 10th shortest Spoonerisms clues in the archive)

In years of life, one’s 49 – ne’er 50!

25 letters, 8 words, by N. C. Dexter


What a lovely wine is red Aigle!

25 letters, 7 words, by C. R. Gumbrell


Competition 1307 has contributed 24 unique words to the clue archive:

C. R. GumbrellAigle
R. M. S. CorkBeaumes
G. L. McStravickbile
J. B. SweetingBleat
E. A. Beaulahbumbler
M. Barleydogma
G. L. McStravickexecutives
J. B. Sweetingfrisk
F. R. Palmergimme
J. B. Sweetingglimpsed
R. J. Hoopergrading
F. R. Palmerhelpings
R. J. Hooperillegibility’s
F. R. Palmerladleful
G. L. McStravickloathsome
G. L. McStravickLottery
R. J. Hooperludicrous
M. J. E. Warehamme’s
D. F. Manleyoldness
M. Bathpunch-drunk
G. P. Conwaystand’ll
Dr T. G. PowellStank
J. R. TozerTarpon
J. R. Tozerwiliness