Azed Competition No. 513 Azed Slip | ◀ 508 | 517 ▶ | Other competitions |

No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
513 | Feb 1982 | ETYMOLOGICON | normal | 27 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | J. G. Stubbs | Notice gym loo stinking? Onions, possibly | anag.; ref. C. T. Onions, editor of Oxford Dict. of Eng. Etymology |
Second | C. J. Lowe | Break my toe on chunk of wood? – Figure the volume of verbal originality! | anag. + log + icon |
Third | D. H. Tompsett | What’s ‘cento’ originally about? I go and look mine up | I go lo my (rev.) in anag., & lit. |
VHC | M. J. Balfour | Brewer’s product gives me too cloying a sensation | anag.; Dict. of Phrase & Fable |
VHC | E. J. Burge | Round 1 – gloomy Conteh almost out. That explains origin of language used! | I in anag. less h; ref. John C., boxer |
VHC | E. Chalkley | Tattered tome, thick one that follower of X has got in study? | Y in anag. + log I + con, & lit.; thick n.; X = Ximenes |
VHC | N. C. Dexter | Go look my note up – and figure the root | go lo my te (rev.) + icon, & lit. |
VHC | M. G. Elliott | Shell GT Economy Oil: BL may find it useful | anag.; BL = Bachelor of Letters, British Leyland |
VHC | P. S. Elliott | Where one finds the elements in a word gloomy, ice not melting | anag. |
VHC | Dr I. S. Fletcher | Could be I’m to undergo revision with neology about to be included | anag. incl. c, & lit. |
VHC | O. H. Frazer | Chambers? My loo got nice potty! | anag. |
VHC | J. A. Gill | In cometology is a derivation of this – and vice versa | anag. & lit. |
VHC | S. Goldie | I’ll give you serendipity’s root: correct sources of my information go to Ceylon | anag. incl. m i |
VHC | J. J. Goulstone | Placement for neologic mot? Yes, initially | anag. incl. Y, & lit. |
VHC | D. V. Harry | A ready source of words, that’s me – I go to C. only rarely | anag.; rare = extraordinary; C. = Chambers |
VHC | J. P. H. Hirst | Book of words; odd loco men go by it, ignoring lead from Buckton | anag. less B; ref. Ray B., ASLEF Gen. Sec. |
VHC | W. Jackson | Abroad and gloomy, distracted, I no longer know where to establish roots | et + anag. + I con |
VHC | M. D. Laws | In motel, go coy with embarrassment, and book giving dubious origins? | anag.; ref. ‘etym. dub.’ |
VHC | D. F. Manley | My OE lingo C. T. Onions initially edited perhaps | anag. incl. O, & lit.; ref. editor of Oxford Dict. of Eng. Etymology |
VHC | L. May | Try me. (I go only to C.) | anag. & lit.; I = AZ, C. = Chambers; try = sift etc. |
VHC | C. G. Millin | Having no C, my source of true English around, I go and look up another dictionary | I go lo in no C my t E, all rev.; C = Chambers |
VHC | C. J. Morse | I’m not infatuated with ecology, I’m just devoted to roots | anag. |
VHC | R. J. Palmer | In book of ‘Roots’ e g. I’m to colony transported | anag.; ref. Alex Haley novel |
VHC | D. Riley | It relates ‘icy’ to O.E., O.N., and M.L.G. | anag. & lit.; old languages |
VHC | Mrs E. J. Shields | Into ecology, worried about origin of manure? My leaves supply roots with organic particles | anag. incl. m; see organic in C. |
VHC | P. D. Smith | It defines ento-, myco- and olig- in composition | anag. & lit. |
VHC | J. F. N. Wedge | ‘Roots’ book upset me – too cloying | anag.; ref. Alex Haley novel |
HCs in competition 513 awarded to: