Azed Competition No. 1541 Azed Slip | ◀ 1537 | 1544 ▶ | Other competitions | ordStats
No. | Date | Clue word | Clue type | Clues |
1541 | Dec 2001 | CHUPRASSY | normal | 24 |
Award | Clue writer | Clue | Explanation |
First | P. W. Marlow | Page, say? Such works acquiring rupees | r in anag. incl. p, & lit. |
Second | R. Hesketh | Boss pays such rupees | anag. incl. r, & lit. |
Third | S. Collins | Marshal pays such with rupees? | anag. incl. r, & lit. |
VHC | M. Barley | See helper that carries baggage around, pocketing rupees | C + r in PA in hussy, & lit. |
VHC | M. Bath | Page such as leaders of yesteryear’s raj directed | anag. incl. p, y, r, & lit. |
VHC | E. A. Beaulah | Hype’s beginning in the press – with Prince for example dismissing a subordinate? | h in CUP + ras + s(a)y; ref. sacking of M. Bolland, Price Charles’s aide |
VHC | J. R. Beresford | Such as dashed with press release in back of gharry? | PR in anag. + y, & lit. |
VHC | B. Burton | Attendant you may obtain by punctuating call at intervals with ‘Get a move on!’ and ‘Blockhead!’ | hup, ass separately in cry, & lit. |
VHC | C. A. Clarke | Domestic pussy-cat’s lost tail tangling with Henry and Rex | anag. less t, incl. H, R |
VHC | M. Coates | Rupee pays such to be orderly | anag. incl. r, & lit. |
VHC | V. Dixon | Assistant head seemingly gutted, overcome by children in revolt | ch. up + ras s(eemingl)y |
VHC | D. Godden | Syrup has start of cough beaten for one busy in office | anag. incl c |
VHC | C. R. Gumbrell | Orderly form of pyramid, such as we see amid desert | anag. less amid |
VHC | R. Haddock | Indian runner with terribly achy spurs? | anag.; breed of duck |
VHC | Mrs J. Mackie | —— that’s out with me could be loaded with my purchases | comp. anag. & lit.; loaded = drunk |
VHC | D. F. Manley | Exotic office employee revelling as ‘saucy seraph’ – a bit of embarrassment one could do without | anag. less a e; ref. Xmas parties |
VHC | R. J. Palmer | One could deliver odd letters for party such as found in a mess | anag. incl. p(a)r(t)y, & lit. |
VHC | R. Phillips | I’m about to go on runs when needed by secretary dispatching internal letters | c hup r as + s(ecretar)y, & lit. |
VHC | D. P. Shenkin | Indian orderly arranged us charpoys, lacking nothing | anag. less 0 |
VHC | N. G. Shippobotham | Has curry plates laid out? Could apply to alert —— | comp. anag. & lit. |
VHC | P. L. Stone | One running for office has PR guys chosen primarily for good spinning | anag. with c for g |
VHC | J. B. Sweeting | One who served a formation of us chaps, leaders of yesteryear’s Raj | anag. incl. y, R, & lit. |
VHC | R. J. Whale | He’d get changed to deliver us arch-spy: that is kind of Batman! | anag.; ref. Bruce Wayne / Batman character |
VHC | D. C. Williamson | ‘Are you being served?’ suggests one who could be arch with pussy | anag.; ref. Mrs Slocum in TV sitcom |
HCs in competition 1541 awarded to: